On the path to weight-loss has lots of underwater rocks, cobblestones, and it simply rocks, what are you going to learn from this. In the process of losing weight is the most important thing for you – for your daily comfort, as well as an approach to life and nutrition, starting with the join to the where, inevitably, you are going to change. It is the careful, thoughtful, cautious, aware of himself along the way.

The balance of energy and calories
The first and most important thing is that it is necessary to study and understand it, the law of balance of energy. The words he said, "you eat more calories than you lose get weight least to lose weight. It doesn't matter what products or specialties have been recruited in calories. You also don't have the final values, as well as in eaten, was it protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Each person has their own ratio of calories (depending on body size and activity) to estimate the number that will give you a calculator, in the Calculation of the normal calories', as soon as Sonika. If you want to lose weight you need to eat 10 to 20 percent less than normal. That is, everything else is secondary. Similar experiments have been carried out in different years, and the result was nearly the same for all the participants to lose weight on a deficit of calories, whether from food, from which they had come. Decided on a total shortfall of calories in them. It was a weird thing to research, where lack of calories is not to lose weight, but then it turned out that everything is all right — they just don't listen.
That is, you can eat it, but only at a local coffee shop with fast food, but with the lack of calories and still lose weight?! Yes, you read that right. This is the kind of experience happened, and not all at once). One of the most famous high school teacher, John Cisna of school experience of science, he decided to eat it for 3 months exclusively on fast food. For 3 months, John has lost 17 lbs and he is so impressed that he decided to extend his experience of more than 3 months. A similar experiment with a fast-food chain has allowed the student to the university's Jared Fogle to win, making him the face of the company . He weighed in at 193 lbs, up to 185 cm. But one day, his life changed dramatically after he began to eat a deficit of calories. He, himself, invented himself to a diet with a disability-to 18-cm) and the turkey sandwich for lunch, a snack of veggies at dinner, plus a can of coke and a packet of baked potato chips. In the first 3 months he lost 42 pounds for the year to 111 kg, and, thanks to the energy deficiency of a calorie. For weight loss, but not health care) in the amount of how much you eat (in calories), and it's not what it is. Jared Fogle weight loss, with 193 up to 82 kg) per year of energy from the lack of calories.

For that you don't starve yourself to lose weight
The first thing that pops in your head after an encounter with the law of energy balance ", which is more deficit, more and weight loss". That is to say, if it does not exist, or there are just a few of the 300 to the 500-calories-per-day), is that you can lose weight as soon as possible. This of course will give you the effect of the short terms, but in the end, it will only make it worse, a reversal will be inevitable, because man is not capable of a long periods to eat down to the level of the base of the body's metabolism. (the average for a 30-year old female, with a growth of 160 cm and a weight of 60 kg) – base metabolism is around 1300 calories a day, and it's the law – it's about 2000 kcal/day). It is very useful to keep in mind is the famous Minnesota starvation experiment of 1944, when, under the guidance of a group of scientists, a man sat down on a voluntary basis over the periods of the diet, with the calories a little bit below the level of the metabolism and an average of the calories of the food of the participants in the experiment, the starvation period was 1570 calories a day, for at least six months). This is what has happened to the subjects and it's going to happen to each and every one, who will be out for a long, long time to eat to your metabolism:
- appeared out of apathy, diminished interest in the discussions, and pre-warm to a theme;
- increased irritability and aggression, frequent outbursts of rage;
- it declined to an average of the heart rate (up to starvation average heart rate was 55 beats per minute, and after 35, the body went into the mode of activation of the power);
- the frequency of emptying the rectal become extremely rare once a week.
- how much blood will be lowered by 10%, the size of the heart diminished;
- there appeared a swelling in the face area of the knee and the ankle, and some thick skin
- appeared in episodes of dizziness, muscle pain, ringing in your ears, worse co-ordination;
- the sex drive has diminished, and then made to disappear, and the testes have begun unnamed to produce less hormones and the number of sperm has decreased and they became less responsive;
- problems arose with the mental health: scientists have identified through the testing of many of the participants, hypochondria, depression, hysteria.

If you're going to be in for a long, to eat with the lack of calories to below the level of the base of the body's metabolism, over time, you may get the same symptoms as that of the participants in the experiment. Most of the time, the consequences of a foil, after the famine, they are: the whole compounded of hunger, and it is usually for the account of the adipose tissue in the body, it will begin to be more active to make reservations, as it's only a calorie of energy will increase. And here it is in the muscle tissue, during the hunger strike, deputy vice-versa, it burned very, very quickly. This is called the yo-yo effect: the result of each stage of the famine, in a smaller body and less muscle tissue and more fat. Therefore, you could go into a metabolic angle is selected from which it will be a long, cold winter. During the famine, the diet, the weight loss happens largely due to loss of lymphoid tissue, and the fibers of the muscle, and not fat, do not give up and go away at last. The loss of weight during the fast, so, certainly, go ahead, but that loss is only temporary, and it almost certainly will come back for more, a great deal of harm, and weight gain. The starvation diet ends is almost always the same: to food, to terminate. In the first place, because it is impossible for you to drastically, and forever, to take in the 500-700 (or even a 1200-1500) calories a day, and in the second place, it is going to contribute to the development, in the midst of the loss of nutrients and depression. Therefore, it is the recommendation of leading scientists and experts in losing weight, it is important to be able to gradually to a deficit of more than 20% of the limit of the calories. Such an approach may give a stable result.
A diet with restriction of carbohydrates. The retention of water
A great number of popular diets that have one attribute in common – a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates. It is a very important detail, since, in addition to a balance of calories, leading including the storage or burning of fat in the body weight can vary due to the fabric held the water. Like this: carbs lead to a delay in the body of water. It is not fat, but just water. The average size of a man, there is an operating stock of energy in the form of approximately 0.5 kg of carbohydrate (as is that a substance called glycogen, and is located in the liver, the muscles, the blood circulatory system, it is important for them to maintain, and can enhance immunity. But one detail is important: each 1 gram of carbohydrates, a delay of more than 3 grams of water.

So, if your glycogen stores deplete (for example, there are no carbs), your body is able to, very quickly, literally within a 1-2 business-day you lose 1-2 kg in reducing the stock of carbohydrates, and therefore have more of a "drain" the water treatment plant in carbon stocks in link. (For more details on how this works are described in the text, Laila Mcdonald: the Rule that a 3500 kcal = 0.5 kg). It will not have regard to the burning of the fat under the skin, but it will be well in the balance. As you are the only one, again, begins to consume the carbohydrates (eat pasta), rice, wheat, and bread) — the one with liquid oxygen, will be back in your body. And that's fine. The WHO recommends that you get 50 to 55 percent of their calories from carbs – which is great. However, the effect is fast, it will give you the first few days of any diet is to restrict calorie intake, it maintains the myth about the miraculous in their effectiveness. But let's take a closer look at just that one step further and list the cons:
- Due to the restriction of carbohydrates is not lost, the adipose interlayer operational and are currently sold out of the stores of energy (glycogen), and to leave the associated with them in the water. Your body doesn't become more beautiful in proportion, it just becomes a 1 or 2 kg less than the liquid oxygen.
- This is a temporary phenomenon – until the first time a good portion of the carbs. Are you ready to never again in life, there are no carbs (leave it completely in the bread, pasta, rice, corn, whole, sweet)?
- It is limited to the phenomenon of glycogen in the body to a mere 0.5 kg., that means another 1-2 kg) by the use of this methodology to "merge" isn't going to work. Thus, in this figure, the vast majority of cases, the "weight loss" and quits.
- This can be made worse with the mood swings, the activity of the brain (carbohydrates – the main fuel of the brain, causing irritability, the deterioration of the you can increase your immunity.
But it is indisputable the benefits of the restriction to the carbs:
- On the carb, delicious, and easy to get around the fee requirements. The restriction of carbohydrates and allows you to focus on your diet and, in general, makes it easier to control the intake of calories.
Conclusion: it does not make sense to restrict the carbohydrates that it is useful to have a less simple sugars), it would be best to limit the calorie content on their boards. It does not make sense, and that is to "melt" in the water.
Overview of diets and exactly how they work
"The Kremlin diet"

Gist: Here are the explanations of the editors: hydrate of carbon dioxide — the enemy is from the carbohydrates to get fat. Do not eat any carbohydrates and you will lose weight. A diet that is only protein and a little bit of a fatty acid product such as meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. Then, after the first phase of the diet you are allowed a little bit of carbohydrates are added. How does it work, in fact, due to the depletion of the stock of glycogen in the first few days of the diet occurs for weight loss over the flow of the water. The loss of water on the kremlin diet it is possible for the loss of live weight (muscle and fat), with a shortfall of calories in them. Each and every 7 to 8 thousand calories more, or less than 1 kg. (depending on the eating too much the norm for these 7 or 8 thousand calories, or vice — versa, with the same disability). What to do: eat carbs and don't worry about anything. Consume 10% to 20% lower than your normal calorie + do fiznagruzki, so as not to lose muscle tissue.
Kefir diet
The essence: a little bit of meat, veggies, lots of yogurt. The kefir you can drink it at any time and as often as you like. The truth, as well as all of the previous moisture loss – 1-2 kg in the first few days, due to the reduction in carbs (meat, veggies, and yogurt, it's very little). A loss of 1 kg in muscle and fat, for each of the 7 or 8 thousand kcals a deficit (or a set of 1 lb of fat, if you ride it with the meat, and yogurt to consume my own regular bar). What to do: eat flesh-meat or any other food), drink kefir (or other moisture), and don't worry about anything. Consume 10% to 20% lower than your normal calorie + do fiznagruzki, so as not to lose muscle tissue.
How to lose weight with the practice of
Now that you are familiar with the scientific basis of the theory of weight loss and the psychological traps we are going to give you even more useful, practical chapters, on your way to diet (restricting caloric intake). The experts say that only about 10% of those who do lose weight, it is possible to maintain your results for a very long time. Even at the source, on the grounds that up to 95% thinner to return, lost within 1 to 5 years of age or older. We hope that if you read all that has been written up in the chapter, so you're pretty much increases your chances of reaching success by 5%.
How to find out your average calorie intake. The subtleties and nuances of

In 1990, there has been developed a formula Mifflin-St. Giora, who is considered to be one of the easiest and most accurate to estimate your power needs. It is because of this formula, consider a new game. Here is an example of the calculation of the normal to the calories: the easiest way to calculate the total amount of the allowances, the expenses of the energy, you multiply the body weight in the 30 to 35 kcal. The larger and more active than a man is, the more you need to focus on the ceiling. Women need more attention to be given in the lower bound. For example, in the approximate amount of calories you take in for women up to 60 kg) * 32 (a moderate train) = 1920 calories.
Where do you start to lose weight as you do not stop.
After you have read up to the chapter that you have already made an important first step. Go back to the text at a time, when you are struggling and looking for answers. Let's remember, the most important thing is that it is worth it to start losing weight, and how we got to itself (himself) in this case. Here are some of the most important principles that will help you to achieve success in the long term:
- Note that the innovation that you're going to incorporate it into your life – forever. So, as you look at it, it's not just the genetics, but as a result of your life-style, such as what you eat and what you do. If it's the change of habits are temporary, and the results of the weight-loss will also be temporary.
- To act as you can be slowed down, the ultimate step-by-step. Do not try to force yourself to change in my life for once and all, because, most likely, this is not the case. The enthusiasm and the will to go on for a long time is not the case. The type 1 course this month. We, for example, in order to observe how to eat: you just have to get used to it, counting calories, and understand how much calories to what you eat during the day. Then, by gradually introducing new habits: for example, to buy a couple of pounds of vegetables and fruit each and every couple of days (or at least a couple of times a week. Don't act harshly, you enter in a gradual way, and as comfortable as possible – after all, it is always so in a hurry does not make sense.
- Please be very careful and sensible in itself. Don't forget to be encouraged in the award of a new and wholesome habits, let's say, the flexibility (to offer the on your favorite product, even if they don't seem to "fit"), be aware that 10% to 20% of the diet is to the recommended for a form of conditional "bad" products, and generally to make in your diet that you will really like it. After all, these articles of food with all of you right now, to always leave what they are most comfortable with.
- Do the physical exercise. This ensures that you'll be a lot better than you feel, and you will lose weight in the most of the oil from your inventory, and not in the body. If you choose something that you enjoy. Even a simple walk in – a very good year, just enough to stay in it.
- Post your HLS to you? Try to pick up on the importance of exercise in to your schedule before you? In the end, it's the impact of that, and for the family.
- To receive the joy of the process. This is the most important part of the process. We believe that in order to lose weight, that is the best, easy, pleasant, and feel, and the way for the most part, enjoyable.

Thank you for all that you have read and on your wish! Success! Please take care of yourself!